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Importer of Japanese artisanal fine foods and ingredients


Cantonese style fish marinated in miso 

Ingredients for 2 people

  • One tilapia or another medium-sized white fish
  • 2cm of ginger
  • A few spring onions
  • A pinch of kabosu kosho
  • Half a teaspoon of shichimi
  • 2 tablespoons of creamy miso with koji
  • One tablespoon of Yagisawa less salty soy sauce
  • Half a teaspoon of pepper
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • Half a teaspoon of sugar
  • Half a teaspoon of olive oil
  • Some cilantro to garnish


  1. Scale and gut the tilapia or the fish you have selected or ask your fishmonger to prepare it.
  2. Make slits in the back of the fish, as you would for fileting, to allow the steam to cover a large area during cooking.
  3. Mince ginger into small cubes, the green stem of the spring onions into small circles and the white part into sticks.
  4. Prepare the sauce by adding to the ginger and the green part of the sliced onion the creamy miso with koji, Yagisawa less salty soy sauce, a touch of kabosu kosho, sugar, salt, shichimi and olive oil.
  5. In a large saucepan, bring the water to a boil and place the steamer basket on top. Pour half of the sauce into the belly cavity and back slits, and the other half over the fish. 
  6. Au moment de l’ébullition, placer le poisson dans le panier vapeur et compter environ 13 minutes de cuisson, ou plus en fonction de l’épaisseur du poisson. Vérifier la cuisson. L'œil du poisson devrait avoir pris une couleur blanche et la chair doit pouvoir se détacher facilement.When the water boils, place the fish in the steamer basket and cook for about 13 minutes, or more depending on the thickness of the fish. Check for doneness, the eye of the fish should have turned white and the flesh should flake of easily.
  7. Garnish with spring onion sticks and cilantro.

Enjoy !